How can you help?


If you would like to volunteer at the center, please contact someone in the Office.
You may want to help in the following area’s:

  • Weekdays Madrasah
  • Helping on Fridays
  • Cleaning
  • Office work
  • Youth activities
  • Women activities
  • Fundraising

If you have skills in any of these areas and have time to commit then please come forward and meet us. There are great rewards in helping the House of Allah. This is an investment of our hereafter.


You can set up a standing order by collecting a form from the Centre which will also give you the option of Gift Aid.


  • ACCOUNT: Islamic Education and Cultural Society (Hayes) ·
  • BANK: Barclays Bank Plc, Station Road, Hayes, UB3 4DF ·
  • A/C No.: 60065234 · SORT CODE: 20-38-83

What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid means that for every pound you donate as a UK Taxpayer, we will receive an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue, helping your donations go further. This means that a £10 donation can be turned into £12.50 (at no extra cost to you) so long as donations are made through Gift Aid. Complete the form (which is available from the Centre) to allow Islamic Education & Cultural Society (Hayes) to claim Gift Aid on your donation.

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Hayes Muslim Centre